Installation Instructions for OSX Lion¶
Requirements Overview¶
- OS X 10.7 & 10.8
- PostgreSQL 9.0.4
- Python 2.7.1
- Django 1.3.1
- lxml 2.3.4
- psycopg2 2.4.5
- git
- Apache 2.2.18 (Unix)
- mod_wsgi 3.3
Command Line Tools¶
If you have Xcode installed, make sure the command line tools are also installed (in Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Components > Command Line Tools). You can download Xcode for free from the Mac App Store, but it will cost you several GB of disk space. Alternatively, you can register a free developer account with Apple and download an installer for just the command line tools.
You should now have the compilers and git installed.
It’s easiest to use the Mac installer because it also sets up the postgres user which is needed.
- Download the latest installer (I used 9.1.4) and run it. You can keep most default settings:
- Install into /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1
- Port 5432
- Remember your password!
- Locale en_US.UTF-8 (any .UTF-8 will do)
Your PostgreSQL Server should now be running. You can restart Postgres with:
sudo launchctl stop com.edb.launchd.postgresql-9.1 (it will then automatically restart)
Make PostgreSQL more secure; only needed when using Postgres < 9.1!
Login as postgres if you’re not already:
sudo su - postgres
(We should now be in /Library/PostgreSQL/9.0)
Make the changes to data/pg_hba.conf: Close to the bottom of the file, change the lines that end with “ident” or “trust” into “md5”, for example:
local all all ident
local all all md5
Python: lxml¶
Instructions taken from:
Download: (download the source tarball, double click to unarchive)
Build & Install:
cd lxml-2.3.4 python build --static-deps sudo python install
Python: psycopg2¶
Download: (download the source, double click to unarchive)
Build & Install:
cd psycopg2-2.4.5 python build sudo python install
Python: Markdown support¶
sudo easy_install Markdown
Python: RDF support¶
sudo easy_install rdflib
Download: (download the source tarball, version 1.3 is currently needed!)
sudo python install
Django South DB migration library¶
sudo easy_install South
Indivo Setup¶
It’s easiest if you put both indivo_server and indivo_ui_server into the same directory (I used /Library/Indivo), the commands below will do just that
If you clone the Indivo code from github, don’t forget to init the submodules:
cd /Library/Indivo/ git clone cd indivo_server/ git submodule init git submodule update cd .. git clone cd indivo_ui_server/ git submodule init git submodule update
Submodules may stall, you can clone them by hand (these three did stall for me):
cd indivo_ui_server/ui/jmvc/ git clone git clone jquery git clone cd ../.. git submodule update
Create the Indivo postgres user¶
This will create a PostgreSQL user named indivo and any password. Be sure to remember the password as you will need to put it into the Indivo settings later!:
sudo su - postgres
createuser --superuser indivo
psql postgres
postgres=# \password indivo
postgres=# \q
Follow the instructions to configure Indivo¶
Optional for Apache 2: mod_wsgi¶
Only needed if you want to run Indivo on top of Apache
Check: Run httpd -M to check whether you have it already installed
If not, download: (There is an installer ready made for OS X 10.6, but we’re using the tarball here)
Build & Install:
./configure make sudo make install
Setup: To have Apache load the module, add this line to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf:
LoadModule wsgi_module libexec/apache2/
- Follow the Wiki instructions to setup Apache. For OS X, there are minor deviations of the procedure. Two hints:
The virtual hosts config is in: /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf. Uncomment the inclusion command for this file in the main httpd.conf
Restart Apache with:
sudo apachectl graceful
Some permission settings, make sure Apache has access to these files/directories: indivo_server/indivo.log indivo_ui_server/settings indivo_ui_server/indivo_client_py